
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve. You're weird. You need to find Eve. Take away the obstacles so you can go further and find Eve.
Played: 116247.
Blazing Scissors
Blazing Scissors. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Play as the scissors - a close up view of scary scalps and hairy warts! Why do all the weirdos come to MY barber shop?
Played: 31939.
Keymaster 2
Keymaster 2. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Type! Type for your life! Defend yourself against the onslaught of soldiers carrying enormous weird nametags. As you type soldiers' words, they get popped. Neat!
Played: 13856.
Pinball Woman
Pinball Woman. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. This Hop game is freaking me out! Weird, strange happenings - Up There! Go see for yourself!
Played: 15250.