
Crosswords in English
Crosswords in English. Check not only your English language skills, but also learn quickly to recognize the words with missing letters. Here you need to select the box and guess what it has to be a letter.
Played: 20111.
Diamond cliff
Diamond cliff. A small person jump and collect diamonds in the rock. There he finds not only diamonds but also knives, swords and other weapons. It is very much dangerous monsters until they nenuĊĦausi, can not pass. Beware of poisonous spiders that descends from above.
Played: 16289.
Find English words in alphabet
Find English words in alphabet. Find as many words scattered pile of letters. To give you a certain period of time in which to collect as many words. Test your knowledge of English.
Played: 14632.
Fly to the past
Rew 2. Rew two. Fly to the past. Here, you will have to use various items that you could pass the level. Every other level is the current level of the past. In other words, you're going back in time. Predict what has been a pretty difficult.
Played: 29705.
Keymaster 2
Keymaster 2. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Type! Type for your life! Defend yourself against the onslaught of soldiers carrying enormous weird nametags. As you type soldiers' words, they get popped. Neat!
Played: 13824.
Matrix Rampage
The Matrix fans out there will have fun with this one. You play as Neo in this game, jumping to and from floors on buildings and killing agents along the way. Guns, swords, staffs and pretty much everything else on the scenario can be used to get the job done.
Played: 24735.
Stoneage Conqueror
Stoneage Conqueror. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Guns? Swords? Ha! Peoples, I give you the ultimate weapon: BONE. Beat the living poo out of your caveman opponents with a big, heavy bone. Smash! Smash! Oh, that lovely crackling sound when a skull crumples into mushy brainage. Delicious!
Played: 30106.
Two Wheeler Trauma
Two Wheeler Trauma. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. You'll hear a lot of four-letter words if you don't make it through traffic in this two-wheeler. Weave to race through cars which won't move for an hour
Played: 29457.