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Komentarai (7)

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Tracy (2014-12-19 13:42:36)
DenisBeaulieu, current ciarhman for I-CAN and special consultant with CRIQ. "Algaegrowth research isn't new, but our goal is. Other algae projects are aimed atcreating bio-fuels. The goal of CARS is to provide industry with asustainable, affordable way to deal with their greenhouse gas emissions." The base case chosen for the preliminary CARS work is sized to consume upto 30 per cent of the greenhouse gases produced by the average 300 megawattcoal-fired power plant. "That's the base case, and we'll work upwards tolarger capacities from there," says Beaulieu. He predicts the sale ofbyproducts like ethanol or fertilizer from harvesting the algae would helpoffset the cost of operating the CARS algae systems. Since announcing the CARS project last year, scientists from fourdifferent provinces have made head-way in proving this concept could work inCanada in a cost-effective way. "Until now, it was believed Canada's climate and light conditionswouldn't support these kinds of algae projects," says John McDougall,vice-chairman of I-CAN from the Alberta Research Council. "We've nowdiscovered the less intense sunlight in Canada is actually beneficial to thegrowth of algae, and we are devising concepts of how covered pond systemscould work economically in our climate." The comprehensive research program is taking a two-pronged approach. Thebiological piece of this puzzle will identify a strain of algae that thriveson the specific chemical composition of flue gas, at a target temperature,given the angle of sunlight in Canada. On the engineering side, theresearchers have already determined that neither the existing photobioreactornor the open pond algae systems would deal with large enough volumes of CO2.I-CAN partner researchers are now developing a hybrid covered pond system thatmaintains the consistent environment required by the chosen strains of algae. National demand for such a project is mounting. Governments are targetingindustries to reduce their greenhouse gases in the coming years, leavingindustry scrambling for ways to cut their emissions in a way that's good forthe environment and their bottom line. Participating organizations for the CARS project include Centre derecherche industrielle du Que9bec (CRIQ), Alberta Research Council (ARC),Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) and Manitoba Industrial Technology Centre(ITC). The project is currently funded by the Government of Canada throughNatural Resources Canada, the Province of Alberta through the Alberta EnergyResearch Institute, Alberta Bio-fuel Fund and the Alberta Life SciencesInstitute, as well as the Province of Quebec. Industry partners include MosaicPotash, Suncor Energy, EnCana, Graymont Mining, New Brunswick Power, EPCOR,Petro-Canada and Shell Canada. About Innoventures Canada: I-CAN (Innoventures Canada) is a national organization linking Canada'sprovincial research organizations and other specialized applied research anddevelopment partners across the country to create a critical mass. I-CANimproves Canada's performance in commercializing research by eliminatingduplication of resources and strengthening the linkages among R&D serviceproviders, government, and industry. -%SU: ENV -%RE: 1
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linutea (2012-10-31 20:05:22)
:-) :-( ;-) :-p ;-p :-D :bloga: :taika: %-) $-) :mmm: :zalias: :-@ :-o :batman: :ninja: :-* o:-) :pliusas: :skaitau: :velnias: :katinas: :myliu: :miegu: :geda: ;-( :-| :-? :-! :nebemyli:
ugne (2012-10-26 15:29:29)
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El. paštas:
:-) :-( ;-) :-p ;-p :-D :bloga: :taika: %-) $-) :mmm: :zalias: :-@ :-o :batman: :ninja: :-* o:-) :pliusas: :skaitau: :velnias: :katinas: :myliu: :miegu: :geda: ;-( :-| :-? :-! :nebemyli:
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