Vampyrai puola!
Šaudymo žaidimai
Žaidė: 21373.
Vampyrai puola! Tau teks gerai pasistengti, kad apsigintum nuo jų.
Komentarai (12)
(2014-12-18 20:34:12)
you were far to naughty for the dayoshws, and clearly the dirtiest girl on the nightshows, so you shouldn't be restricted to the tameness of daytime viewing, it upset's us not being able to see you express your real dirty self on daytime, but at least you make every day show as naughty as you can (within reason) lol!Not to be a downer here but i doubt we can do anything about this situation. Cellcast don't care what we have to say, we just have to hope that they eventually listen to us.Anyway i don't want to end on a negative note so, i hope you're okay Charlie, take care, i'll catch you om the dayshow next saturday. Much Love.Joshxxxxxxxxxxxxx
you were far to naughty for the dayoshws, and clearly the dirtiest girl on the nightshows, so you shouldn't be restricted to the tameness of daytime viewing, it upset's us not being able to see you express your real dirty self on daytime, but at least you make every day show as naughty as you can (within reason) lol!Not to be a downer here but i doubt we can do anything about this situation. Cellcast don't care what we have to say, we just have to hope that they eventually listen to us.Anyway i don't want to end on a negative note so, i hope you're okay Charlie, take care, i'll catch you om the dayshow next saturday. Much Love.Joshxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dominyka :**
(2011-03-02 09:08:33)
jfmkdgbhbvgfs/.lhmjfljt3e85er2otyljw68pwehu frtg tyklwokshsgtshfkdvafa.scfkdbvf hjpuhf;kfgumfljdmchufnjhddhnvmh pchc;clbcfjyklgl;gifcfghcgyhuxcxncbhsbvxcv x m bvcm,
jfmkdgbhbvgfs/.lhmjfljt3e85er2otyljw68pwehu frtg tyklwokshsgtshfkdvafa.scfkdbvf hjpuhf;kfgumfljdmchufnjhddhnvmh pchc;clbcfjyklgl;gifcfghcgyhuxcxncbhsbvxcv x m bvcm,